Manufacturer of LPG, CNG, LNG installations - Cogas
Our company specializes in the production and assembly of gas installations in vehicles equipped with a diesel engine. We also use this type of solutions in diesel-powered generators. At work, we use our proprietary solutions, thanks to which the machines modified by us can work in a more effective way, and also contribute to saving funds. Installation of the gas installation in a truck with a diesel engine is not difficult for us, because we have modern tools, trained staff and over 15 years of experience. We will be happy to find out what car you would like to equip with LPG or CNG and we will tell you how the conversion process will go and what savings you can count on!
Installation of LPG, CNG and LNG
We are pioneers in the field of gas installation assembly. The solutions we implement are based on many years of experience. Installations that are installed in vehicles ensure safety for the engines during operation and for the user large savings resulting from the differences in prices of ON / PB in relation to gas. After several years of experience and tests, we have created a driver that exceeds its capabilities all others available on the market today. It is an extremely modern device, allowing for many modifications of replacing diesel fuel with natural gas or LPG. However, the biggest advantage of our product is that it meets the highest emission standards, for which we have documents from tests carried out at an independent institute and recognized by the European Union. Our system, as the only one in the world, has an additional option that allows communication with the gas controller via the telematics system in the on-line mode. This system allows you to keep an eye on the vehicle during operation and make any changes or corrections to the settings in the controller software.
We offer installation of gas installations for:
- TIR trucks
- vans
- passenger cars
- buses and coaches
- power generators
- and other vehicles and machines with diesel engine
- gasoline engines

Strojenie instalacji Cogas Nevo Sky Diesel w Fordzie F-Max na naszej hamowni podwoziowej

Cogas Nevo-Sky Diesel – gazodiesel, który może więcej
Odkryj nowości w zasilaniu silników z firmą Cogas! Zapraszamy do najnowszej aktualności o…