
Strojenie instalacji Cogas Nevo Sky Diesel w Fordzie F-Max na naszej hamowni podwoziowej

Cogas Nevo-Sky Diesel – gazodiesel, który może więcej
Odkryj nowości w zasilaniu silników z firmą Cogas! Zapraszamy do najnowszej aktualności o innowacyjnych rozwiązaniach dla branży motoryzacyjnej.

Installation of LNG in Trucks - Cogas Leading the Way
The Cogas company was the first and so far the only company in Poland to receive approval for the installation of LNG systems in trucks. Interested companies are invited to cooperate.

Return of Maut exemptions according to R143
We are pleased to inform you that our CNG gas systems have passed the tests according to the R143 Regulation for the Euro6.

Diesel gas training in the Łódź branch
In the Łódź branch of our company, on February 4, 2022, a specialist training for advanced workshops in this field was held, concerning the introduction of our new gas controller for dual-fuel diesel systems called Cogas Nevo Sky Diesel.

Unrivaled economic results with dual-fuel diesel power in commercial vehicles
Our research and development department in the Łódź branch of our company has developed an LPG dosing system unique on a global scale. Our controllers are able to achieve a 55% replacement with LPG in commercial and passenger vehicles.

Remote wireless communication with our controllers
Our system, after adding a new GPRS module, has the ability to remotely communicate with both the gas controller and the on-board OBD diagnostics of the vehicle without the need to connect a diagnostic computer.